The following is a brief summary of the varied and wide-ranging support available from the Council for Disabled Children. It is not exhaustive but intends to give an overview of key mechanisms and contacts for accessing our support.
Resources and e-learning
Over the years, CDC has developed a rich library of resources and e-learning, which are open to all. The most frequently requested/ accessed resources include:
Outcomes-Based Commissioning and the SEND Reforms
Outcomes-Based Commissioning Case Studies
Data Bulletin: Strategic Outcomes Frameworks
Holistic Outcomes in EHCPs e-learning
EHCP Exemplars
Our full e-learning library can be found at Training catalogue | Council for Disabled Children
All other resources are available at Resources (councilfordisabledchildren.org.uk)
Funded Programmes
The RISE Partnership, funded by the Department for Education, provides bespoke support to eligible local areas to meet SEND development needs and progress improvement. Eligibility is determined by local need in discussion with the Department for Education. This includes, among other things:
- Strategic Multi-Agency Working, including holistic outcomes frameworks and SEND Strategies
- Strategic Co-Production
- Demonstrating impact through holistic approaches to data
- Education, Health and Care Plan processes
- Preparation for Adulthood
Contact: Sam Gomarsall, sgomarsall@ncb.org.uk
The REACh Partnership, funded by the Department for Education, provides support to 32 local areas engaged in the SEND and Alternative Provision Change Programme to implement and test the reforms identified in the SEND & AP Improvement Plan. This support is not available to areas outside the programme.
Contact: Philippa Watts, pwatts@ncb.org.uk
Directly Commissioned Support
The Support and Innovation team offer bespoke support to local areas related to Health and SEND multi-agency working. This includes, among other things:
- Support for local areas not eligible for RISE funded support
- SEND and Youth Justice
- SEND and Mental Health & Wellbeing
Contact: Katy Briggs, kbriggs@ncb.org.uk