This group acts as the senior leadership group driving and supporting service improvement across the Southwest Region.
- To build a strong regional culture of learning from each other.
- To work towards a self-improving system where areas of strength are shared to ensure high quality service development and practice across the region.
Who is part of this Network?
This group has Director if Childrens Services representatives including the SLI lead from ADCS Group. The SLI lead also chairs this group.
There are the chairs from both Assistant Directors networks. This group also includes chairs or representatives from regional groups – Principal Social Worker Group, Performance Leads Group, with possible extension to other network groups.
This group also has a LGA Advisor and a DfE regional Improvement Support Lead as members.
This group is chaired by Mary Kearney Knowles, Director for Children’s Services in Bath and North East Somerset. The group provides updates to SW ADCS meetings via SLIG Chair and to the Southwest Regional Improvement and Innovation Alliance Board: update on a quarterly basis via, SWADCS Chair, SLIG Chair or regional co-ordinator. The group also links with SW Lead Members Group as a quarterly update via SWADCS Chair/SLIG Chair or regional co-ordinator.