SW 15 SEND and AP Network – Priority Areas & Regional Outcomes

Supporting the development of local area partnerships and improving outcomes for children and young people.

Priority Areas

By establishing effective and sustainable regional co-ordination, through a Regional Coordinator role who will coordinate and oversee the successful implementation of this action plan. This priority covers regional support work across the 15 LA’s, sharing systems and services for both good practice and coordination of information and opportunities, including coordinating the South West Regional Network conferences and meetings. The priority also covers the multi-agency groups working (e.g., NHS, social care, schools and CYP and their families). The regional coordinator will ensure that all partners and networks are working together effectively to support CYP and their families. 

This will ensure that we know ourselves and are using data effectively to improve outcomes. This will build on the data already available through each LA or agency, the SW Sufficiency Project and will involve working with performance leads. 

This will improve partnerships and sector lead improvement which will improve outcomes for children and young people and their families in the South West. 

This will improve the experiences of CYP and ensure the strategic direction of the region is aligned with, and informs, national strategy.  

This will involve induction, recruitment, and retention strategies, CPD and qualifications at both leadership and frontline level, career pathways and specific specialism shortages. It will build on the existing work already in progress through the SW Network in conjunction with Staff College. 

This will include discussion of Inclusion, the graduated response, Alternative Learning Provision and will involve an analysis of current demand for specialist placements. A collaborative system led approach to funding and securing placements will form part of this priority area. 

This will involve robust regional systems for self-evaluation, peer support, peer reviews, working groups, task and finish groups and preparation for SEND and AP inspection 

Regional Outcomes

Regional Outcomes – what we plan to achieve for our children, young people and families…

A. To improve the consistency and quality of arrangements for children and families with SEND and in AP across the region. 

B. To understand which local areas best support our children and young people and to encourage sharing of this good practice. 

C. To improve the outcomes and experiences for our children and young people with SEND and their families. 

D. To ensure that children and young people and their families are receiving consistently good support and high-quality information across the region.  

E. To ensure that support for CYP with SEND and their families keeps pace with the planned national SEND and AP improvements 

The image shows a central hexagon  with six hexagons around the central hexagon with wording on each hexagon.
Central hexagon states the aim is to  Coordinate regional response to changing SEND and AP landscapes.
Pathway towards this:
Hexagon 1 states Improve use of data and technology.
Hexagon 2 states Take an active role in implementation of SEND and AP Improvement Plan.
Hexagon 3 states To support and motivate a strong SEND and AP workforce.
Hexagon 4 states To promote strong systems for learning.
Hexagon 5 states To support inclusion through regional approaches.
Hexagon 6 states Share better practice and improve outcomes.

Key Dates for 2024/2025

14th October 2024/3rd March 2025/16th June 2025- Oake Manor SW SEND Study Days

Thursday 3rd April 2024 – SW SEND and AP Regional Conference

Contact Details

South West Regional SEND Co-ordinator & Principal Educational Psychologist: Vikki Jervis (Dorset)


01305 225291