South West Peer Challenges

Information about the various peer challenges that held across the southwest supporting improvement in children’s services

Several small, coloured figurines stand on a white floor, collected by green lines


Peer challenge is a proven tool for improving services in local authorities. In the southwest region improvement and innovation alliance we have three regular peer challenges. There are more details of these below. In addition to our regional peer challenges, local authorities often use this technique to review and improve their own services

Thematic Peer Challenge

In South West, organised and executed by the Principal Social Worker network, we employ a triad format for thematic peer challenges to facilitate improvement. This focused evaluation involves peers, often with similar roles examining and providing feedback on specific themes or topics across Local authorities within the region. This method allows for detailed analysis of aspects like practises policies or operational areas developing A deeper understanding and promoting enhancement in the chosen thematic area.

Self-Assessment Peer Challenge

In the South West we operate a triad format for all our peer challenges.  The self-assessment peer challenge is where a local authority evaluates and presents its performance or practises with the goal of improvement. The challenge aspect involves peers from similar local authorities and roles within the region providing feedback and insights based on the presentation. In the Southwest we use a third “peer” as a moderator. This collaborative approach helps identify strengths weaknesses and areas for improvement fostering a shared learning experience and encouraging positive change.

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