Meet the Team

Meet the SW RIIA Team, working together from across the region to improve outcomes for children and young people…

SW RIIA logo - text below reads Working Together for Young People in the South West

Vicky Rasey

South West ADCS Regional Coordinator

The role of the regional coordinator is pivotal in connecting the South West Regional Improvement and Innovation Alliance with the Southwest Directors of Children’s Services Networks. Its primary aim is to foster collaborative efforts, establish mechanisms for sharing best practices, and work collectively to address areas of improvement continually, thus enhancing the services provided to children and young people in the region. Moreover, the role is instrumental in facilitating innovative projects across the region, fostering a culture centred on supporting the child, and enhancing the quality of local services and provisions. This entails cultivating networks and fostering collaboration among all stakeholders and partners in the region. Additionally, the role entails liaising with corporate and political members of local authorities to ensure a cohesive and coordinated approach.

This role reports to the Corporate Director of People at Wiltshire Council in their position as Group Sponsor of the Sector Led Improvement in the South West.

Vikki Jervis

South West Regional SEND Co-ordinator & Principal Educational Psychologist

The SW SEND Coordinator and Regional PEP continues to embed the 2014 SEND reforms and develop a positive improvement culture of local services and provision across the region. This is achieved through establishing and maintaining networks and joint working across education, health, and care in the region and through the development of a clear and achievable delivery plan for regional activities and peer support.  The SEND plan is aligned to the values in the South West Regional Improvement Alliance priorities. Its primary aims are to foster collaborative efforts, establish mechanisms for sharing SEND best practices, and working collectively to address areas of improvement, thus enhancing experiences and improving outcomes for children and young people in the region. Additionally, the role entails liaising with the DFE, corporate and political members of local authorities to ensure a cohesive and coordinated approach to SEND and supports system led leadership across the region.

This role reports to the Strategic Director for Together for Families at Cornwall Council in their position as Group Sponsor of the Regional SEND Lead Coordinator.

Helen Ciorra

South West Regional SEND Project Officer

To assist the Regional SEND Coordinator to continue to embed the SEND reforms and to improve the quality of local areas’ services and provision. To manage and provide information to the South West Region in accordance with relevant legislation, policies, and updates and to facilitate the administration of the SW professional networks, website, and projects.

This role reports to the South West Regional SEND Coordinator.